February 28, 2007

Life Composition

I've recently begun a year long process of life composition. We are all composers of our life aren't we? We do create our own reality. After all, if we can't control the direction of our own life, who can?

One of the mantras of this coaching is "Do It Now!" If you contemplate the weight of that one sentence, it is just overwhelming to think of what could be achieved in one lifetime.

No excuses. Just act. Think about that.

My life is composed of six major goals ("rocks") - self, family, husband, create, health, enjoy.
These are all of the areas that mean the most to me right now. Each day I will plan an act to put me closer to my goals. At the end of the day, I review what I've accomplished and make a plan for the next day.

My thought yesterday was this:
I feel like I'm poised at the starting gate ready to give it all I've got. Let inhibition go and feel the strength and creativity take over. Write, draw, dream.
I'm ready to take control of my life. Are you?

February 22, 2007

THURSDAY THOUGHTS - Where's the Romance?

I was treated to many surprises this past Valentine's Day.

A rose waiting for me in the morning.
Lunch with hubby, heart shaped pizza and a balloon (we *never* have lunch together so this was a big deal)
After the kids went to bed, strawberries dipped in chocolate and whipped cream and a good bottle of champagne


Yesterday I was in for another surprise...hubby decided we should take a bath together. He went in there before I did. When I came in he had lit candles all around the room, put bubble bath in the tub (he used the kids Strawberry Shortcake bubble bath....hee hee!), and rose petals strewn across the floor and soaking in the bathwater.

I am so fortunate to be where I'm at today. It's been a long and exhausting road at times, but after 16 years of marriage, we've still got it...and that's a wonderful thing!

Love your life today!

February 12, 2007

Another step toward independence...

Yesterday we gave Korbin his own clock radio. We set the alarm for 6 AM, showed him how to turn it off, etc. Last night he turned on the music and told me to come to his room for a little while. When I did I crawled onto his bed and said "Now what should I do?" and he told me to just relax for a little while! (Have I raised him right or what??)

He's always been slow to wake up in the mornings so we did not know if it would work for him, BUT, voila, this morning he got up, turned off the alarm and got dressed without us asking him to get ready over and over. I hope this lasts.

But, **SOB**, he's getting so big and independent now!!

February 7, 2007

My brain has left the building

So, I'm at work today feeling awful. Seems I am getting that cold that's going around. I went to bed at 9 o'clock last night. Woke up feeling okay this morning, but as soon as I started doing things, I just felt awful again. Everyone else in my family is sick to some degree too. We're a fun household let me tell you!


And what do I get to do today? Try to analyze the Bankruptcy Code for a motion that was just filed. Hmmm....wonder if my brain will ever come back. I could really use it!

Help....I'm married to a redneck!

Can you imagine Larry the Cable Guy on steroids? For the past week hubby has taken on the voice and personality of a redneck He's got the voice down so well that he doesn't stop....WAH!!! The kids are getting a lot of laughs out of it, but I'm getting a little tired of it. I much prefer his Irish brogue. You should see the ladies' heads turn when he uses that one out in public. :o)

I'm hoping the redneck who has embodied my hubby will take a break soon, before I start shriveling up into a little ball wishing for it to stop!!

(BTW for people who do consider themselves a redneck, I am not trying to offend or stereotype but it's the closest description I have to my life at the moment.)

February 6, 2007

I'm Alive!

Life has been crazy for me this past week, that and the cold has made me want to hibernate. Winter has hit Wisconsin like an icy cold slap in the face. Schools were closed yesterday due to the extreme cold. I still had to work. Bummer. Staying in bed a little longer sounded heavenly Monday morning.

I'm busy working on reviews right now. I couldn't wait to start playing with the Sandylion Love Collection. I seem to be caught in a red/cream/blue phase. I've been busy altering a frame to give to hubby for Valentine's Day. I will also be entering it into the Mr. Mush altered item contest. I simply just haven't had enough "me" time lately. I really wish I could call in sick sometimes just to stay home and play but my conscience would never allow it.

I did receive some exciting news over the weekend though, my layout "Power to Fly" was named as the I Deserve It All Kit Contest Winner at Serendipity Scrapbooks. I won a $20 gift certificate. That's the second time I've won that contest. I ***LOVE*** their kits.

February 2, 2007

New Blog!!

Hi all....I am moving my blog from MSN to blogspot because I didn't like that you had to register at MSN in order to post comments. I will move my old entries to this blog shortly.

February 1, 2007


ast weekend hubby and I went to a marriage strengthening seminar. It was his idea. The seminar is called "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" by Mark Gunger. It was a most incredible experience. Mark is a pastor in Green Bay, WI and tours the world with his presentation.

He showed the men how to approach and relate to women. Boy, did he have a woman's feelings pegged!, right down to a woman thinking about the plumber coming next week during intercourse. (I've been guilty of this in the past.)

The women learned what drives men (and you know what that is. . .), but more importantly, how to meet and relate a man's needs.

He explained how men typically are single-taskers, and how their thought process works, and women as multi-taskers, who often are doing five things at once successfully. How do you break through all that and truly relate to each other?

Mark is just phenomenal and breaks through all of that, and with humor. We laughed hard so many times that day you'd think he was a comedian. But at the end of the day he had us each turn to each other and say vows of forgiveness to each other. It was so sad, both hubby and I cried. It's only been a few days since the seminar but both of us have already made changes in our daily lives.

We debated on buying the DVD for all of our friends and relatives to watch. IT WAS THAT GOOD! But, truthfully, this is one experience you need to see in person. You can find more information and a tour schedule on their website, www.laughyourway.com. I can't recommend this seminar enough.

For couples who don't have a seminar in your area this year, you might want to consider calling their Marriage Hopeline. It is a four week course that you do in the comfort of your home. Call 866-525-2844.

And for those familiar with the presentation, we both did the flag page and surprising for both of us, I am in Perfect-Fun country, and hubby is in Fun-Perfect country. How do you like that? It's a combination that is rarely made as striving for perfection is often times the opposite of fun, and vice versa.

Now, to a more personal note, life is getting better for me. I have felt happy at times and that gives me hope. I finally can see things beyond my own feelings, such as all couples argue, instead of thinking I always start an argument. A healthier perspective. It sounds really awful to admit that, but it's true. I have been blaming myself for everything that hasn't gone right for me. I've learned that I'm a major perfectionist and that means things are rarely good enough for me. I believe I can always do things better.

In many ways the desire to achieve and succeed is a blessing, unless you don't know when to stop.

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