I'm having a serious love/hate relationship with the computer lately. I am on it CONSTANTLY it seems but never can get all done that I want to do. I haven't had the time to do my Thursday Thoughts for a few weeks and even longer to respond to some of my personal emails. *sigh* Work has been sucking out my life energy the past couple of months. I have so much to share though so here I am, a few days after Thursday, but better late than never. ;o)
About a week ago I got my first hot stone massage. Hubby just completed schooling for that style of massage and is near being able to offer it as a service to his clients. I was his guinea pig. The massage is "sacred stone" and it focuses on energy and mental clarity as well as massage. The rocks are placed head to toe, but also crystals for energy work. I don't know how that stuff works but in the middle of the massage I burst out giggling and I COULDN'T STOP. Seriously...I had tears streaming down my face and laughing at my own laughter. This kind of laughter is rare for me, unfortunately, and certainly not one that would normally occur during a massage. Something did it's work on me and I felt WONDERFUL. I hadn't felt that happy in a long, long, long time. It lasted a good 5 days of pure happiness. In fact, I even woke up from a dream giggling during that period! I normally don't even have funny dreams like this. Very strange, but dude, this stuff really works. That's all I've got to say!
So today, the kids have been playing "store" and "restaurant" almost all afternoon. These kinds of moments are pretty rare now. It seems they fight more than they enjoy each other most times. It was pretty amazing to listen to as I worked away on my newest
Studio Calico goodness. I got two layouts done this afternoon. Here's one of them that I am going to enter into a sketch challenge at the
Scrap and Stamp blog.
Title: hb

I just found out last week that my favorite cardstock manufacturer is going out of business. I am so sad. Prism was hard to come by over the years and I would have loved to see it in the forefront of cardstocks. It is that good. I am planning on placing a large cardstock order at
MemoryVilla to grab all of my favorite colors. I know that the big cardstock manufacturer, Bazzill, will be acquiring all of my favorite colors from Prism so that's cool, but it's just not Prism anymore.
I will try to post again with more updates soon!