May 18, 2007


My theme lately seems to be all about renewal--shedding what I no longer need or use and making the most of what I have left.

I've spent a few hours each week preparing for a garage sale. I don't have a set date for the sale, but I plan to get rid of everything. Stuff that doesn't sell will go to Goodwill or Easter Seals or the like. I am looking forward to cleaning out the "stuff" that we no longer use.

I've also been purging my scrap supplies. I already have so much stuff that I need to use. I am challenging myself to get creative with the older supplies and stop buying new supplies.

I've made two resolutions recently:
  1. I will not buy any more scrap supplies for the rest of the year! Yes I said YEAR, but let me clarify. Right now I belong to two monthly kit clubs. Between them and my review team supplies I have more than enough to get me through each month. In the meantime, I'm creating a list of things I want. The only way I will receive these things would be by winning a contest and receiving a gift certificate to that store.
  2. I will not buy any more clothes for the rest of the year! This is going to be a toughie because some of my favorite pants are starting to need replacing. I have enough clothes to get me though the rest of the year comfortably.
I will update you on my progress sticking to these resolutions.

But the biggest renewal I've felt lately has come from within. I wake up in the morning wanting to create, to be artistic, to write, to dream, to feel. If I could do this full-time I'd be one very happy woman! Instead of seeing these things as my hobby I now see them as my life. Amazing feeling! My day job is awesome but it's not what keeps me going every day.

I am embracing every aspect of my creativity--pushing myself to new levels with my scrapbooking, beginning to learn hybrid scrapping, printing my own pictures and being able to print a full scrapbook page with my new wide-format printer, a commitment to write every day, a commitment to become best friends with my camera. This is the new me. I am an artist.

1 comment:

edith turk said...

Oh, this is so inspiring! I would love to follow your model of "renewal"...I can totally identify with all you have going on!!

p.s. Tag--You're it!! Check out my blog for details! :)

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