October 29, 2008

I'm B-A-A-A-A-C-K!

So if you read yesterday's Thursday Thoughts (and yes, I realize that it was not posted on a Thursday) you will remember me saying that I miss having insomnia. Well, someone was listening because last night I could not sleep!! I stayed up until 1 AM working on a layout. When I finally got to bed I was too stoked to sleep. Then my dog woke me up at 4 AM choking for some unknown reason. I got back to bed for another hour and a half of sleep and GUESS WHAT? I feel GREAT!!

In fact, my creative mind was going wild this morning and I began some poetry on my way into work. I *LOVE* days like that. Let's hope this little spurt lasts for awhile...

Oh...and check out these totally CUTE hand painted pumpkins that were on Joann.com today. Love 'em!

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