April 15, 2009

THURSDAY THOUGHTS - Love, Laugh, Learn and Live

It's been awhile since I've posted some Thursday Thoughts and I am just shaking my head because I feel like I have a million things I want to share. It appears that when I'm up I'm golden and when I'm feeling down, I feel pretty much worthless. I hate the ups and downs, but it's been four weeks since I stopped the Prozac and I have felt MUCH more clear-headed and focused. That I love! The bad news is that this past week has been a bit emotional for me, especially considering my hormones were doing some really crazy things at the same time. I've managed quite well though despite LOTS of tiredness and napping. I have to tell myself that feeling emotional is normal. Now HOW emotional is normal is an entirely different question. One that I'm still trying to answer.

We traveled to my parents' house on Saturday to celebrate Easter with the family. It was a pleasant day all around. Sunshine, good food, wine, bubbles and candy. It's all good. This holiday also went by without my heart pining for my sister. That's especially notable since Easter was the last holiday she hosted before her death, and it is nearly the 3rd anniversary since she died. I really do think the third year is when things start to get better.

Sunday Katie and I went to see this:
while the boys went to see Monsters vs. Aliens. (Boys...!) We hadn't eaten dinner so we each had a HUGE tub of popcorn to split with the kids. My crush with Miley Cyrus got even bigger while watching this movie. She's such a beautiful young girl who seems to have a buttload of potential. At this point I'm not sure if I or my daughter likes her more. I loved this movie and cried THREE times (yes...THREE!) during the movie. Ugh.

The kids had spring break last week. It was mostly quiet for all of us. DH and I each took some time off of work to watch them during the week so that we could avoid the daycare costs. It was so nice to be able to sleep in a few days last week!

Last night hubby and I watched this:

I didn't just cry watching this, no, I absolutely BAWLED. There are so many things that pluck at the heart strings here...I had to take a few deep breaths at the end of the movie just to stop crying.

I may be strange but I love movies that make me cry.

I adore Will Smith. Seriously, almost all of his movies are favorites of mine. I'm crushing on him big time right now....

Finally, hubby introduced me to a native Minnesota band called Atmosphere. I've been listening to their "When Life Gives You Lemons ... " CD. The lyrics are very powerful and moving. Again with the emotions and the heart strings. I just can't seem to stop feeling every little thing these days. Their lyrics remind me a bit of a song I'd been writing a few weeks ago. I was proud of it, but DH didn't quite know what to make of it. It *is* very hard to imagine a song with lyrics only. I need to find a good composer to make these words come alive.

But the heavy emotions are what I need to WRITE. I have actually had the desire to write again and, not only that, but FEEL THE MAGIC OF WRITING that seems to take over when things flow easily. It's almost blissful.

So....URBAN ANTHOLOGY...I'm still hanging in there. The elimination is about to happen but I'm feeling pretty confident. I'm totally living by the "If it's meant to be, it will be" philosophy when it comes to my scrapping though. No pressure there, just fun and creativity for me.

I'm hoping .... nope, scratch that ... next time I write Thursday Thoughts I will have gotten some serious writing done. I took a lesson from Seven Pounds to live life as if each day might be your last. I will love, laugh, learn and live as if it were a gift. I'll catch 'ya up on the top!

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